Our Team

Two Rivers Trust is run by a small group of volunteers. Every member of Two Rivers Trust, from our Board of Directors to our Volunteer Alumni Advisory Board, is committed to supporting the success of the Marietta College Men’s Basketball program and the student-athletes who wear the Pioneer jersey.

These individuals are guardians of PioNation's generous investments in our student-athletes through Two Rivers Trust. The team ensures compensation is provided per federal, state, NCAA, and Marietta College guidelines while ensuring maximum return on investment for the Marietta region and the nation’s most passionate Division III college basketball fans.

Board of Directors

Mike Kenney

Executive Director & Founder

Chad Spence

Board Secretary (2001)

Christian James

Creative Director (2021)

Volunteer Alumni Advisory Board

Alex Couladis

Men’s Basketball Alumni Advisor (1975)

Ryan Reidy

Men’s Basketball Alumni Advisor (2022)

Mel Shuler

Men’s Basketball Alumni Advisor (2019)

Al Abrams

Men’s Basketball Alumni Advisor (1976)